
You Don’t Know Me!

You Don’t Know Me!

You Don’t Know Me!

Recently, I had to stop and think about the words that came out of a parishioner’s mouth when she said, “You’re a brave person by going to back-to-back Masses.”

Now and then I attend both the Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:PM and depending on the event or organization, I must also attend the Sunday morning 11:15 AM Mass.

However, after those words were said to me, I said to myself you don’t know me very well.

At first, I thought about the character of this person and then I thought about how long I’ve known them.

Then I thought about my character being challenged if had I said anything back to the person.

I have come to realize that my faith is something that I can’t compromise, even if it means attending Mass back-to-back.

My response was only a smile because there was nothing, I wanted to say based on the way I was dressed as part of my organization honoring the church.

This person could physically see why I was attending Mass and the purpose of my visit; however obviously it did not matter, based on her comment.

Many times, if we challenge people about what they say to us the response was I was just kidding or You’re taking it too seriously.

Some believe strongly in the First Amendment and most cases, it’s closed for them.

U.S. Constitution – First Amendment | Resources | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

Even though children say the darndest things, adults do too.

How many people in your lives seem to want to challenge your character, by saying things that don’t align with your character?

I believe that no one wants their character challenged with comments challenging their faith.

Sometimes we must make mid-course corrections and ask ourselves did that happened and ask ourselves why the other person chose to say what they said.

Life is already challenging and each of us has our persona that we want to display.

A day before this incident I spoke with a gentleman who gave Memphis Tennessee a bad rap, based on the culture and environment.

Having grown up in the “Projects” all around me or lower income, I knew where his conversations were going and chose not to fully engage.

Affordable housing is a major local problem, more Americans now say | Pew Research Center

A note to the reader that I was not fully engaged in the conversation because he was a visitor to our great city and had his own opinions about Memphis.  He was unaware that I had driven through Memphis and knew people from Memphis.  I also knew that I could not change anything in our five-seven-minute conversation with him doing all the talking and me nodding occasionally and acknowledging his presence.

Although he didn’t know me, he acted as if the way I was dressed (Business Causal) that I had never lived near the “hood” or visited areas of bad neighborhoods before.

I’ve come to believe every city has its version of the “Hood” and areas that we should stay away from specifically when it gets dark.

The military used to enforce off-limits areas to us years ago, and I had the unfortunate phone call to hear one of my Soldiers was robbed and killed in such an area twenty years ago.

Off-limits memo protects Soldiers | Article | The United States Army

32 CFR § 631.11 – Off-limits establishments and areas. | Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)

It’s something that I will never forget, yet I always tell myself don’t forget where you came from.

Today, there are various perceptions that each of us transmits in our daily lives.  However many people don’t know our story and how we arrived at where we are now.

Ironically, having witnessed two incidents this week back-to-back of people saying something negative to me, that in my opinion is tied to my character is unacceptable.

We all know that some people have no filters and will say whatever’s on their minds.  In both cases, I was able to filter my comments internally and not stoop to their levels.  Sometimes we must take it as another learning experience that people must not know us very well if they’re going to say derogatory comments about my culture or my faith.

Maybe you have encountered a similar situation or incident when someone spoke negatively about a specific part of town you’ve lived in or made a comment that your conscious refuses to let it go or slide or as they would say blow it off.

Many have put in various terms or words that you are a sum of the five people you spend the most time with or as Jim Rohn says “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

You Are The Average Of The 5 People You Spend The Most Time With – Personal Excellence

Today think about the people that you want to spend time with and those who you trust that will not take your character for granted and see you as you are with no need to explain yourself.

Each of us can influence others; however, this weekend has shown me that I don’t need to spend time with people who don’t know me and take my character for granted.

What about you, what’s your story?


  1. The person I want to spend my time with:
    1. Positive people
    Positive individuals inspire others to view life optimistically. Even when things don’t go as planned, they encourage us to see how unexpected outcomes can turn into positive opportunities. Surrounding yourself with such people creates an atmosphere where productivity thrives, and challenges are viewed as opportunities for growth.
    2. Sensitive people
    Sensitive people provide comfort and understanding. They can read emotions, care about feelings, and offer the support needed to think positively in difficult times. Having someone who truly empathizes helps build a strong connection, offering reassurance and a reminder that you are not alone in your thoughts.
    3. Happy people
    Happiness is contagious, and being around joyful individuals promotes physical and mental health. Happy people exude an energy that uplifts everyone around them, creating an environment filled with warmth and optimism. Their joy enriches the spirit and contributes to overall well-being.
    4. People who are interested in self-improvement
    In a world that’s rapidly evolving, especially with technological advancements, it’s crucial to keep growing. People who are committed to bettering themselves are driven, curious, and always seeking ways to improve. They challenge those around them to do the same, staying ahead of the curve. For me, I aim to dedicate 40% of my time to self-improvement, focusing on becoming smarter and wiser. Being around people who share this mindset is not only motivating but also inspiring as we all work to stay on the path of growth together.
    We come into this world alone and leave it alone, but our spirit remains to influence others. Everyone is in search of security and happiness, and this is why faith is important. Faith is a solid foundation that we can rely on, giving us the strength to navigate life’s journey with confidence and hope.

    1. Caroline,
      I enjoyed reading your comments this morning as you created some thoughts that caused me to think even more. “Positive People, Sensitive People, Happy People, and People who are interested in self-improvement.”
      I see myself in all of them. I admire the way you said, “We come into this world alone and leave it alone, but our spirit remains to influence others.”
      Thank you so much for your contribution this morning.

  2. @Caroline,
    I admire and concur with your sentiments💖.
    I’d just add one other group of people.
    ⏩ LOVING People ⏪ People who believe & give unconditional love, even to a stranger, nurture hope. They create bridges, foster joy, and touch impenetrable hearts. Love INSPIRES compassion, resilience and the ability to navigate life’s challenges; afterall it IS the GREATEST of these….(1 Corinthians 13:13)!


    “Everbody around you trying to figure out why
    You’re so cool, you win all the time
    Everywhere you go,
    you get alot of shine…
    everything you wear,
    people say they got have it
    from the sweat suit,
    to the white tee, to the Gucci…
    but what they don’t know,
    is when you go home
    and get behind closed doors,
    man you hit the floor
    and what they can’t see,
    is you’re on your knees
    So the next time you get it,
    just tell ’em,
    it’s the God in me!!”

    What is it you think you see
    When you see me?
    You don’t know how much I pray
    Don’t know how much I gave
    Don’t know how much I changed
    I’m just tryna explain
    It’s the GOD in me!


  3. McKinley, I believe in spending time with people that are open minded , have different views and experiences. Positivity, integrity, and intelligence are key. I want people that add value to my life.

  4. CM, I concur with Scott Guillory’s first statement. In the same manner, I keep a small circle as life has shown me that individuals will not only take your character for granted but will attack your character based upon your personal & professional growth. All in all, I would prefer to share my time with individuals that have an appreciation for knowing that I am not what I used to be and that I’m continue to seek growth.

    1. Terrance,
      I too concur with Scott Guillory’s first statement. I also concur with you about sharing my time with individuals that have an appreciation for knowing that I am not what I used to be and that I’m continuing to seek growth. We are all saying the same thing in different versions.

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