
What are you teaching when you are not speaking?

What are you teaching when you are not speaking?

What are you teaching when you are not speaking?

Are your words telling on you, or are you telling on yourself?

It is up to us because our mind is always listening.

What are the things in life that you are accepting every day?

What’s your point of view “Is the glass half empty or half full?”

Are you for pessimism (half empty) or optimism (half full)?

I’m sure that Psychologists hear many people complaining about negative things daily as they manage chronic complaints.

Managing a Chronic Complainer (hbr.org)

Do you believe that our words reflect what we focus on most?

What are you broadcasting to the world for others to hear?

Sadly, many people feel they must complain about life.

How we handle the world’s stressors daily is up to us; however, try listening to your words only as a recommendation.

Many years ago, I read something about the taming of the tongue. The concept of taming the tongue is found in James 3 where God declares, through the apostle James, that “no one can tame the tongue” (James 3:8).

If “no one can tame the tongue,” then why do so many people focus on the negative instead of the positive? “Negativity Bias.”

Negative Bias: Why We’re Hardwired for Negativity (verywellmind.com)

It’s too hot is a prime example of negativity bias.

Having witnessed heat of more than 130 in the shade and seeing how others around mean complain, I often wonder why?

Why can’t they deal with the heat, or why do they see the need to complain?

Every year you and I witness astronomical seasons commonly divided into four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall or Autumn, and Winter.

We can better plan through the courtesy of the website, time, and date.

Season Definition: When Do They Start? (timeanddate.com)

We know the seasons will change, and we can prepare our minds for what is ahead.

Maybe I’m the only person who believes many are already looking forward to the fall season without enjoying the summer.

As I woke up this week, I witnessed morning temperatures in the mid to high 70’s.   I’m also aware that someone is waking up to a higher temperature than mine.

Yet, as I stand in long lines, listen to conversations around me, and drive from one location to another, I see and hear people telling on them.

Recently, I invited friends on my Facebook Page to register for a two-day event called “The Future of Leadership and Dream of the Global Leadership Impact Summit” hosted by Bhahm Memone, Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM).

I attended it last year and found it interesting, this year was no different.  The event is also on YouTube under live events.

In one of the sessions, I attended was Dr. Lance Secretan, the author of 23 books.  Dr. Secretan is considered the world’s top authority on inspirational leadership.

As I listened to Dr. Lance Secretan talk about his current book “Reawakening of the Human Spirit-The Spark, The Flame, Torch Touch, there was a message within the message.

Dr. Secretan asks the question of “Who is Speaking.”

The Social Self or the Essential Self?

He also used a powerful quote as he spoke about the Dalia Lama in any room setting by saying “What are you teaching when you are not speaking.”

Today, I continue to hear people complain and curse about the heat; however, is it necessary?

I’ve learned that inspiration is something we can identify and find, and it’s something we can do.

How we inspire others to be better is up to you and I; however, we must live in specific ways that help us become the kind of person now open to being inspired.

As a lifelong learner, I remain curious about learning new ideas and must understand more people know more than I will ever understand.

The quote “What are you teaching when you are not speaking” also applies to my life in a positive manner.

Dinosaurs could not change or adapt and consequently became extinct.

Each of us has the autonomy to be self-directed and to begin to take charge of our own life.

You should know that your emotional quotient about how you react and respond to externalized events is the key to becoming self-aware.

The foundation of self-awareness when we say negative words allows our brain or mind to deal with uncertainty, ambiguity, volatility, and complexities.

You can reshape or change your mind on your thoughts and words if you want to.

We all have a choice regarding how we will react to every situation.

Therefore, continue to explore all the aspects of personal mastery in identifying who you are and how you are getting to understand yourself.

What is Personal Mastery and Why is it Important? –

“What are you teaching when you are not speaking?”


  1. McKinley, I am guilty of being, thinking, and speaking negatively. I appreciate your thoughts and insight. I will appreciate the days that God has given me.

  2. It is okay to complain, but what are going to do about it? Taking steps to improve your situation can help you get out of a rut. Do not let situations snowball into major problems. I see people are so negative about the economic conditions that the US faces. It could be worse. Think positive and do things to improve your quality of life.

    1. Don,
      Thank you for taking time to respond. I, too, see most people unwilling to improve their situation. It’s a positive mindset that helps keep me sain in most cases, I’m sure from reading you feel the same way. Here’s a what if for you. What if everyone decided to think positively and do things to improve their quality of life? How would we be better able to serve others?

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