
Spring Forward

Spring Forward

Spring Forward

This past weekend many of us had the opportunity to advance our clocks forward as we prepared for the arrival of spring.


Although there is plenty of controversy over the time changes, some just deal with it. While others complain, however, life still happens for each one of us.


For me, it has become an exercise of futility by counting the number of clocks in my home to ensure they are all at the same time and changing any batteries for those requiring them.


In my subconsciousness, I received a signal that spring was coming last week when I walked outside at about 05:30 in the morning and could see the ground without a flashlight.


I remember in my early years living in Germany where around 4:30 AM it would begin to get light.


I often think about those who live in Alaska that have daylight in the evening.


Alaska Daylight Hours Calculator | ALASKA.ORG


Today, our bodies are still reacting to the one hour lost to our sleep patterns, knowing it’s only temporary as we return to our normal selves.


I know there is something about our “Circadian Rhythm” and how we deal with the various functions that happen automatically within us.


What Is Circadian Rhythm & How Does It Work? | Nectar Sleep


I also know firsthand watching my father years ago before he died as he dealt with “Sundowners” and how Daylight Saving Time affects health in body and soul.


Sundown Syndrome: Causes, Treatment & Symptoms


Today, my heart goes out to the elders or aging population who are suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia and are at risk of depression.


Hawaii and Arizona — with the exception of the Navajo Nation — are the only two states in the nation that do not participate in daylight saving time, according to the DOT.


Daylight Saving Time | US Department of Transportation


In the United States, daylight saving time begins annually on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November.


In writing this blog I also had an epiphany of all the opportunities that advanced me forward in my career (Spring Forward).


Some of those opportunities I thank God for not giving to me because I wasn’t ready or it wasn’t what God wanted for me.


Maybe you too had what we call those “Sling Shot Moments” where you were catapulted into success.


I’ve learned that sometimes we must spring forward into action.


Because many of us don’t want to have any regrets about those “shoulda, woulda, coulda’s” moments in our lives.


Saturday was also International Women’s Day as many Spring Forward or #AccelerateAction.  What a great way to #AccelerateAction for Women’s History Month that is happening for the month of March.


International Women’s Day 2025


I accidentally stumbled on this website below that it is full of shoulda woulda coulda moments in our lives.


“Life is full of missed opportunities and regrets. We often find ourselves thinking about what we should have done, could have done, or would have done differently. These thoughts can consume us, preventing us from moving forward and fully embracing the present.”


Best Shoulda Coulda Woulda Quotes To Inspire And Reflect


Today, I challenge you to take some time this week to reflect and think about how you are going to spring forward and use this time to accomplish those goals you have put off.


On the other hand, if you are one of those persons who has accomplished everything that you wanted, then take a few moments to reflect on those things you are grateful you didn’t get an opportunity to accomplish because it wasn’t what God wanted for you.

1 comment

  1. Thanks for the message CM. For me, I wanted to be more intentional with adjusting my physical fitness activities to mitigate injuries. Therefore, I already started getting more road bike miles in, and it has been refreshing.

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