



Today, my insight revolves around people.


Every day you and I have various parameters when choosing friends and who we decide not to hang out with based on our lifestyles.


We can also decide if we want our day to be great or mediocre.


Many of you have already learned life lessons tied to parameters as it relates to trust and past relationships.


We have also learned to honor those from our past and trust them in the future.


It’s from those lessons we understand the parameters we set and how far they were stretched in building relationships.


Maybe this is why Jim Rohn (1930-2009) says “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”


Jim Rohn _ You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with


This is why we must choose carefully.


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The fact that each of us unconsciously has various parameters that are in play every day is amazing.


Some of us place parameters around certain foods when we refuse to eat leftovers.


Some of us place parameters around a preference or a specific color of a car.


Some of us are now driving electric cars, not me; however, it’s a self-imposing parameter that I have put on myself for not wanting one.


In any case, there is a litany of options, or we choose that make up our parameters.


Parameter Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary


In retrospect, some are embedded.


I recall growing up as a child or even through the life challenges as an adult the various parameters I already faced in life.


As an adult, for example, I was taught or given a rule or limit about not eating one hour before Mass. It was one parameter that’s been in place for almost twenty-five years.


As they say, “Old habits are hard to break.”


Why Are Old Habits So Hard to Break? | Psychology Today


In any case, it’s a habit that has various parameters that can change if I choose to change them.


In that case, It’s also a matter of self-discipline.


Speaking of self-discipline, allow me to ask the question when was the last time you colored outside of the lines in a coloring book?


Book ‘Without Borders’ By 80+ Artists Lets Kids Color Outside The Lines : NPR


Because I am a lifelong learner, the book Coloring Without Borders: A Collaborative Coloring Book to Benefit Families Belong Together has helped me understand Spanish, as I continue my journey of learning this language.


Not to mention families need to belong together as this book highlights 89 Artists coming together for a great cause.


I asked the question about coloring outside of the lines because if you have ever used crayons you try to stay within the lines, sometimes you can’t erase your mistakes.


In this case with coloring outside the lines, it’s your choice of using the words parameter or perimeter.


Difference between Parameter and Perimeter | Difference Between | Difference between Parameter vs Perimeter


A parameter is a limit that affects how something can be done, and a perimeter is the outline of a physical area.


Coloring Without Borders | National Domestic Workers Alliance


As I watch from afar, the conversations about all the DEI Workers and the parameters for those directed in all federal DEI staff be placed on paid leave and, eventually, laid off, all I can do is pray.


I’m praying about the limits that have been placed on people and how the power of the pen through the Executive Order on Jan. 21, titled “Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity”, will help America.


Ending Illegal Discrimination And Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity – The White House


I’m not one to get into politics; however, when someone revokes the work of others, I’m trying to understand the parameters of why it was necessary to do this so quickly.


Ironically, this past week, I witnessed a speech entitled “IYKYK” which stands for “If you know, you know” at a recent Toastmasters meeting.


In my case, living in Alabama, I know, how Senate Bill (SB) 129, defines “divisive concepts” as arguments “that individuals should be discriminated against or adversely treated because of their race, color, religion or sex” or that “the moral character of an individual is determined by his or her race, ethnicity or national origin.”


All about Kay Ivey as Alabama Governor signs bill to restrict DEI programs in schools, universities, and state agencies


Sometimes you must work within the parameters you are given and the locations where you are living and working.


I recall a phrase or a quote about not letting people define you by putting limits on you.


Last Monday, January 20, 2025, we celebrated Martin Luther King Day, a federal holiday.  Many are aware that this holiday didn’t come together seamlessly. Although there were various parameters involved from King’s widow, Coretta Scott King, lawmakers, activists, and others it took years before this became a reality.  Texas officially recognized MLK Day in 1991. Today, it remains the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service, encouraging all Americans to volunteer and contribute to their communities.


I listened to his speech given to Barratt Junior High (Philadelphia – October 26, 1967) about “What’s is your Life’s Blueprint which continues to resonate with me.


Too many times, I’ve seen, and experienced parameters imposed on me that I knew I could do better or move beyond them.


Particularly #1 “Principal of Somebodies Number one in your life’s blueprint should be: a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth, and your own somebodies. Don’t allow anybody to make you feel that you are nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth, and always feel that your life has ultimate significance.”


What about you?


“What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?” by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – The Savannah Tribune


In the poem “Mother to Son by Langston Hughes” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. closed his speech to Barratt Junior High (Philadelphia – October 26, 1967) about “What’s is your Life’s Blueprint” says it all.


Mother to Son | The Poetry Foundation


I owe a debt of gratitude to both my parents for teaching me to respect others regardless of how they acted towards me.  Little did I know that my mother being born in the Virginia area (Newport News) Shipyard Building and my father being born in the Birmingham/Bessemer area also known then as AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Company (ACIPCO) in Birmingham, would continue to deposit life lessons on me.


Having a public education from Newport News and multiple trips through the ACIPCO area has given me a greater understanding of what it meant to live in each of those times and conditions.


Perhaps this is why my philosophy of C-O-C continues to resonate with the many soldiers and civilians I have trained, who frequently discuss or reference me.

  • Care The Most
  • Operate the Best
  • Cover Yourself with Glory

It was this philosophy that I took into my heart from my time in the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment when Jimmy Carter was President.


Today, I leave you with two quotes one about not letting others define you and the other about following your path.


“Don’t let others define you. Don’t let the past confine you. Take charge of your life with confidence and determination and there are no limits on what you can do or be.” ~  Michael Josephson


“I realized that whatever your path, whatever your calling, the most damaging thing you can do is let other voices define you and drown out your own. You’ve got to block them out and find that place deep inside you, shaken but still intact, and hold on to it.” ~   Katie Couric


Today, I challenge you to not let others define you and to follow the path or calling you were destined for in life.  Don’t allow the parameters of others to stop you from doing what you were destined to do in life which is your calling or purpose in life.


  1. Powerful Message Huck!!! We must set and access our Bandwidth and Boundaries as we navigate our lives. I Love You Big Brother 🤜🏽🤛🏽🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    1. Jeff,
      Thank you so for adding value to me and the blog. I’m humbled! I received your message back as a “Powerful Message-We must set and access our Bandwidth and Boundaries as we navigate our lives.”
      Too many times, I have witnessed the lack of Bandwidth with individuals limiting themselves to the access of many resources they don’t want to take advantage of for them.
      Much Love back to you!

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